Buy Cernos Capsules 40mg Generic for Andriol
Active substance Testosterone Undecanoate
US Brand Andriol
IN Brand Cernos Capsules
Manufacturing by Sun Pharmaceutical
Strength 40mg
Form release blister 10 capsules
Shipping time 7 – 18 days (Depending from the Country)
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Each capsule contains 40 mg of the active ingredient called testosterone undecanoate. Testosterone undecanoate is turned into testosterone by your body. Testosterone is a natural male hormone known as an androgen. Testosterone Undecanoate capsules belong to a group of medicines called androgens, a type of sex hormone necessary for the normal sexual development of males.

Testosterone Undecanoate capsules are used to replace the body’s natural sex hormone testosterone when not enough is made by the body.
In men testosterone is produced by the testicles. It is necessary for the normal growth, development and function of the male sex organs and for secondary male sex characteristics. It is necessary for the growth of body hair, the development of bones and muscles, and it stimulates the production of red blood cells. It also makes men’s voices deepen. Testosterone Undecanoate capsules is used in adult men for testosterone replacement to treat various health problems caused by a lack of testosterone (male hypogonadism). Your doctor will confirm this by blood testosterone measurements and also clinical symptoms such as inability to get or maintain an erection (impotence), infertility, low sex drive, tiredness, depressive moods, or bone loss caused by low hormone levels.
Because of problems with the pituitary or testis, the production of testosterone by the body decreases.
Men may suffer from complaints such as depression, loss of motivation or concentration, and loss of sexual desire.  Testosterone Undecanoate capsules can relieve these complaints. It can also relieve these symptoms in men who have had their testis removed. Relief of symptoms usually starts within a few days, but optimal results are obtained after weeks to months of treatment.

Medically, Cernos caps dosages are prescribed in the range of 120 – 160 mg per day for the first 2 to 3 weeks. Following this initial period, prescription guidelines call for a reduction of Cernos caps dosage to a maintenance schedule of 40 – 120mg per day.

For performance and physique enhancement, the Cernos caps dosage must understandably be far greater. A minimum of 250mg per day is required (6 or 7 capsules) to see any measurable effect, and many individuals claim that the results at this range are on the low end. Commonly, Cernos caps is used at a dosage of 400 – 500 (10 – 14 capsules) per day. Advanced or experienced users may require even higher dosages than that.

Due to the lipophilic nature of Cernos caps’s pharmacology, it is recommended that Cernos capsdosages be administered with the consumption of food / meals, ideally with a higher fat content in order to maximize its absorption in the body through the lymphatic system. When taken on an empty stomach, studies have demonstrated extremely low absorption and bioavailability of Cernos caps. Cernos caps dosages should also be split into two evenly spaced dosages (e.g. morning and evening) in order to maintain steady and stable blood serum levels of Testosterone.

Acne, Hot flashes, Injection site pain, Weight gain, Increased red blood cells, Prostate enlargement


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